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On request, professional training courses are organised in Loix, north of the Ile de Ré, open to any artist wishing to discover or improve their skills in horse riding. 


Each participant can approach a technical and artistic work with the horse, specific to his level and objectives, in complete safety and in a place adapted to this type of exercise. 


Marine Polard in 2012, currently with JEHOL and Kévin Ferreira in 2015, which has its own company Aïtawak.


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On request, professional training courses are organised in Loix, north of the Ile de Ré, open to any artist wishing to discover or improve their skills in horse riding. 


Each participant can approach a technical and artistic work with the horse, specific to his level and objectives, in complete safety and in a place adapted to this type of exercise. 


Marine Polard in 2012, currently with JEHOL and Kévin Ferreira in 2015, which has its own company Aïtawak.


On request, professional training courses are organised in Loix, north of the Ile de Ré, open to any artist wishing to discover or improve their skills in horse riding. 


Each participant can approach a technical and artistic work with the horse, specific to his level and objectives, in complete safety and in a place adapted to this type of exercise. 


Marine Polard in 2012, currently with JEHOL and Kévin Ferreira in 2015, which has its own company Aïtawak.


On request, professional training courses are organised in Loix, north of the Ile de Ré, open to any artist wishing to discover or improve their skills in horse riding. 


Each participant can approach a technical and artistic work with the horse, specific to his level and objectives, in complete safety and in a place adapted to this type of exercise. 


Marine Polard in 2012, currently with JEHOL and Kévin Ferreira in 2015, which has its own company Aïtawak.



Haras du passage

Rue de la Genève. 17111


Association Loi 1901 - Siège social : 5 impasse du Couvent 17111 LOIX - SIRET 750 478 240 00021  - APE 9001Z

Catégorie Licence 1 L-R-23-000765 - Catégorie Licence 2 L-R-23-000753 - Catégorie Licence 3  L-R-23-000762

Numéro de déclaration d’activité de formation : 75170229417 - Qualiopi certifié - 

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